Holiday Plumbing Tips


The holiday season is in full swing and during this time of year that means a ton of traffic through your home. Families gather together, party guests arrive in abundance, and visits from neighbors are all part of what make this time of year so special. Most of us find ourselves spending extra time in the kitchen preparing and cleaning up after meals and gatherings.

All the extra foot traffic in your home also means that your bathroom is probably getting its fair share of visitors too. Your Melbourne Florida plumber wants your home to run efficiently and economically during the holidays.

Our team of experts is here to answer your questions and provide you with the best plumbing and septic services should the need arise. Here are a few tips from us to help you use water wisely. Don’t get drowned in debt this holiday season.

Don’t Run the Faucet While Cleaning Fruits and Vegetables

When you rinse veggies and fruit while the faucet is running needless water and money are pouring down the drain. Instead of leaving the faucet running, fill a bowl with fresh clean water and let your items soak. After an appropriate amount of time, rinse your items off. Turning off the faucet during this process saves you gallons of water and that translates in to savings.

Thaw Meat in the Fridge

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season makes it easy to let frozen items thaw under running water but this is a huge money sucker. Instead of needlessly running the faucet try moving your frozen meat items to the fridge a day earlier. While you are busy making lists for Christmas gifts try making a to-do list of all the things you need to prepare meals and party foods. Planning ahead can save you money off your water bill!

Scrape Don’t Rinse

After meals it is easy to leave the faucet running during clean up. Uneaten food is often put down the disposal while the water is running. If possible, try putting food scraps in the trash rather than running the faucet while pre-rinsing.

Chill Water In The Refrigerator

While libations abound during the holiday party season, many of you guests may prefer water. If you fill filtered water pitchers pre-meal or party you won’t have to waste water waiting for it to cool during mealtime.

Check Your Septic Tan

Sun Plumbing offers you this friendly reminder during the holiday season: make sure your septic tank is up to the task. Routine pumping of the tank will ensure proper functioning toilets. If you haven’t had your septic pumped in quite a while, now is the time to do so.

Check for Leaky Toilet

Toilets that continuously leak can mean major dollars for your water bill. Prior to guests arriving, make sure your toilet is not needlessly running. A simple leak could be the culprit and we can help you with that!

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