
Serving Brevard County Since 1974

New plumbing construction and installation services including custom residential plumbing, commercial plumbing, manufacturing and light Industrial plumbing projects.

Florida City Gas

Florida City Gas offers big rebates for storage tank and tankless water heaters. Learn more below and follow the links for more information.

Florida City Gas Logo

Up to $500

Tank Water Heater

The most common type of water heater holds heated water in a tank at a constant temperature, producing up to 2 times more hot water than an electric model in the same amount of time.

Water Heater

Up to $675

Tankless Water Heater

The most common type of water heater holds heated water in a tank at a constant temperature, producing up to 2 times more hot water than an electric model in the same amount of time.

tankless water heater

City of Melbourne, Florida

City of Melbourne offers toilet retrofit rebates for ultra low-flush toilets and sewer credit on your bill. See more information below and follow the links to learn more.

City of Melbourne Logo


Toilet Rebate

Customers must purchase and install a City-approved ultra low-flush (not to exceed 1.6 gallon per flush) toilet (including both tank and bowl). The customer must complete a rebate application form and mail it to the ECO Management Division. The application must also include the customer’s original sales receipt, which must have a separate listing for the toilet which includes the manufacturer and model.


Sewer Credit

The City of Melbourne also offers a Sewer Credit on your bill to sewer charges in certain instances where the excessive water consumption does not enter the sewer system – for example a slab leak.

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