Plumbing Blog

Serving Brevard County Since 1974

Regular plumbing maintenance on average increases home value by 15%. This and a lot more plumbing facts, guides, news and tips you can find in our blog. Brought to you by Tight Line Productions for our loyal Sun Plumbing customers.

4 Tankless Water Heater Myths Debunked

Many people have misconceptions about tankless water heaters that turn out to be false. There are differences between traditional and tankless water heaters, and no

Fun Activities to Welcome Fall

Pumpkin patches, bonfires, hot chocolate, and apple cider – it’s fall, even though it might not feel like it here in Brevard County! Florida boasts

Toilets Around the World Part 2

In America, many of us are used to a certain style of bathroom, especially those who haven’t left the country. We know what to expect

Strange Plumbing Discoveries

Sun Plumbing has been serving Brevard County since 1974, and we have seen A LOT in our line of work over the years! We specialize

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